Author Alexandra Lovin18 january 20227 formulas for exciting headlines – how to write good headlines Did you know that on average 80% of people read the title of a text, while only 20% read the text Read the article Reading time: 4 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin14 january 2022Copywriting formulas: 3 formulas for copy that sells If you’ve read my review of Donald Miller’s “Building a StoryBrand”, you’ve surely Read the article Reading time: 5 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin11 january 2022What is emotional marketing and how can you use it to your advantage? Are PPC campaigns an easy path to success? Honestly? They can be! That is, if you’re prepared Read the article Reading time: 12 min General Marketing
Author Daniel Puisor1 august 2021Inbound Marketing: what is it and what benefits does it offer you? Inbound Marketing is an excellent method of promotion. However, if you haven’t tried it, it Read the article Reading time: 6 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin17 june 2021Marketing Consulting – what is it, what is its role and how does it help you? Marketing consultancy is considered to be a professional service provided by experts in the field Read the article Reading time: 4 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin27 may 20216 creative ways to have satisfied customers One of the easiest ways to build a closer relationship with customers is to show them that they Read the article Reading time: 12 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin12 march 2021What is the customer profile? Customer avatar in 5 steps No matter how hard you try, chances are you won’t get the conversions your business needs to Read the article Reading time: 15 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin5 march 2021Performance indicators: what is ROI, KPI and ROAS? In this article you will learn about ROI and ROAS – performance indicators (KPI) used to Read the article Reading time: 20 min General Marketing
Author Daniel Puisor19 february 20214 reasons to collaborate with a digital marketing agency Every new beginning is tough. Whether we’re talking about business or personal life, you Read the article Reading time: 6 min General Marketing
Author Alexandra Lovin28 january 2021How does online promotion help you? Tricks and advantages of online promotion In the online world, things are changing fast. These days, if you have a business you’re Read the article Reading time: 8 min General Marketing