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Google Ads campaigns for the beauty industry: why are they important for business success?

■ PPC campaigns for the beauty industry offer increased visibility, precise targeting and flexible control over budget and marketing strategy.

■Google covers 98% of online search traffic making Google Ads an indispensable tool for businesses in the beauty industry.

■Prospective customers have typed into Google what they are looking for, so we know they are interested, we just need to capture that traffic.

The beauty industry is made up of a variety of segments, each with its own unique needs and specifications. This includes beauty salons, cosmetics, make-up, beauty clinics and other related services. In such a competitive market, effective promotion is essential for success. Google Ads campaigns are one of the most powerful marketing tactics available to businesses in the beauty industry, allowing them to attract new customers and increase sales. This article will explore how to use Google Ads to promote salons and beauty products, offering practical tips for every type of business in the industry.

The importance of promoting on Google through Google Ads campaigns

In the digital age, most people use their phones and computers to search for services and products, and Google covers 98% of online search traffic. This makes Google Ads an indispensable tool for businesses in the beauty industry, enabling them to attract qualified customers and increase sales. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day, and ads placed in the top three positions in Google searches achieve an average click-through rate (CTR) of 41%. In addition, more than 65% of users who search for products or services intend to make a purchase in the next 48 hours, highlighting that Google Ads users are highly qualified and ready to buy.

When a user searches for a specific service or product, they are already interested and ready to act, and 76% of people who search for something on mobile devices visit a business in the next 24 hours, with 28% of those searches leading to a purchase. Businesses using Google Ads earn, on average, $2 for every $1 spent, highlighting the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this advertising platform. Being present in search results helps you capture interest at the right time, build brand recognition and avoid losing customers to competitors. Google Ads provides detailed ad performance data, allowing quick and informed adjustments to optimize campaigns and maximize results.


Determine what types of campaigns to use for your beauty business

People actively search Google for all types of beauty services, spas, procedures and cosmetic or makeup products. From nails to hair, eyelash extensions, eyebrows, facials, massages, blowouts, Brazilian waxing services and more. The services people search for on Google are endless, and Google ads are one of the most effective ways to take advantage of this search flow. Google provides businesses in the beauty niche with potential, pre-qualified customers. Those potential customers have typed into Google what they’re looking for, so we know they’re interested. We just need to capture that traffic.

To get the most out of Google Ads, it’s essential to understand the two main campaign options: search and display. Each has its own advantages and can be used depending on your specific business goals and needs.

Search Campaigns

Search campaigns are ideal for businesses that want to capture users who are actively searching for certain services or products. By bidding on relevant keywords, your ads will appear at the top of search results pages, attracting the attention of potential customers. For example, when someone searches for “hair salon” or “eyelash extensions”, your ad may be the first thing they see, increasing the chances that they will choose your services.

Recommended keywords:


Bidding strategies:

Use broad match type to capture a variety of search terms and adjust based on initial performance. Start with a broad selection of keywords to see what works best and adjust your strategies as you get ad performance data.

Display Campaigns

Display campaigns are great for creating brand awareness. Visual ads displayed on relevant websites can draw attention to your beauty business even when users are not actively searching for products or services. This is an effective way to keep your brand in the minds of potential customers and show them what you offer.

Recommended keywords:



Choose websites and apps that are frequented by your target audience. For example, placing ads on beauty blogs, lifestyle websites or wellness mobile apps can increase the visibility of your business among those who are already interested in beauty products and services.

Set your daily budget

To start an effective Google Ads campaign, you need to go through a few important steps. First, set your daily ad spend budget. You can set any daily budget you want, depending on your goals and where your company is in its development. It is important to start with a budget that allows you to collect enough data to evaluate the performance of your campaign. The bid should be set on conversions, without setting a target cost per action initially, to allow the campaign to optimise based on the data collected. This allows Google’s algorithm to learn from user behavior and adjust bids to maximize conversions, depending on the available budget. As your campaign progresses and you gather more data, you can adjust your budget and bidding strategies to achieve even better performance.

Choose your networks

Once you’ve set your daily budget, choose your search network (and include Google partners) and uncheck Display. It is not recommended to run Display campaigns together with Search campaigns in the same campaign, as each type of campaign requires different management and optimization strategies. Search campaigns are more focused on capturing users who are actively searching for products or services, while Display campaigns are better for creating brand awareness and attracting users’ attention while they are browsing various websites. By separating these types of campaigns, you will be able to optimise each strategy more effectively and get better results.

Choose geotargeting

Where do you want your ads to appear geographically? You have many options to target your ideal geographic areas. Geotargeting allows you to select cities, regions or even set a specific radius around a location by placing a pin on the map and setting a radius by ticking the Radius radio button. This feature is extremely useful for local businesses who want to attract customers from nearby. For example, a beauty salon may want to display its ads only to users in a certain area of town, ensuring that its advertising budget is used effectively to attract customers who are more likely to visit the physical location.

Select keywords

What keywords will you use? Now move on to keyword selection by clicking next. You will notice that we are now at the Ad Group level. Ad groups contain keywords and ads. And this is where you need to stay organized if you have multiple salon services. Use broad match keywords at first to capture a variety of search terms, later adjusting the keyword list based on initial performance. Also add negative keywords to eliminate irrelevant searches and ensure your ads are only shown to users with relevant intent. It is essential to constantly monitor and adjust your keyword list to optimise your campaign and maximise ROI.

Creating search ads

Now that you’ve established your keywords, it’s time to create your ads. Start by entering your final URL. Ideally it should be a page that talks exclusively about your services (manicure for example, it can be classic, gel or semi-permanent nail polish) , as this will improve the performance of the campaign. Just as you kept your keywords focused on one service and your ads reflected those keywords and that service, your landing page should take a similar approach, focusing only on the keywords of your main service.

In conclusion, Google Ads campaigns are essential for businesses in the beauty industry. They offer increased visibility, precise targeting and flexible control over budget and marketing strategy. To fully benefit from these advantages, it is important to work with a digital marketing agency that specialises in this niche.

If you want to grow your business and attract more customers, turn to re7consulting digital marketing agency. With an extensive portfolio of clients in the beauty industry and expertise in promoting salons and beauty products, re7consulting’s marketing services are ideal for your success. Contact us today to discuss how we can turn your Google Ads campaigns into a powerful growth tool!

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