Content marketing

Content Marketing services with proven results

Creativity and Big Data


We approach the creative process analytically. We build statistically supported creative strategies.


Text. Images. Video. Audio? Sure you can. Our creativity knows no boundaries.


We implement Content Marketing campaigns that attract, retain and delight your potential customers.

The Content Marketing Ecosystem

There are as many angles to approach a content marketing campaign as there are communication channels. But all these communication processes serve only one purpose: to convey information as efficiently as possible through the right channel to the right audience.

Editorial plan

We analyse the needs of the audience. We determine the themes to follow, the communication channels and the most appropriate types of content.

Blog Articles

Publishing quality blog content is one of the most effective ways to attract customers online.

Advertising articles

Attract new customers through advertorials published on online platforms relevant to the specifics of your business.

Graphic Design

The most effective communication is visual. We add quality to visual communication through photo and video content.


The audio content is easy to produce, flexible, efficient and highly informative. Perfect for your business.

Case Studies

Excellent content resources that highlight the most appropriate solutions to the most inappropriate problems.


Materials with a strong informative character, combining text content with the advantages of visual content.


Downloadable documents in .PDF format that make an essential contribution to building the community of newsletter subscribers.

PR Content

System that combines PR and Content Marketing, boosting brand visibility and attracting customers.

Social Media Content

We control the entire suite of content types capable of generating positive results for your business.

Social Media Distribution

We understand the specifics of each platform and adapt the content accordingly to get the best results.


We measure, evaluate and report monthly the main performance indicators of the Content Marketing campaign.

Content Marketing attracts 3x times more leads than PPC Ads.

Daniel Puisor Creative & Art Director Tel: +40 31 630 03 53 Email: [email protected]

Content Marketing Tools

Your business is a Media Company? The Media Company concept was first proposed in the Digital Marketing sphere by Belarusian-American entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. The essential idea of the concept is to assume the business model followed by traditional media companies, with the aim of achieving their marketing goals.

Basically, the activity of a media company is based on a Content Marketing strategy. It constantly produces content, any type of content, and distributes it on all the channels at its disposal, with the aim of attracting a large audience interested in the information offered.

Adopting such a strategy in your company’s promotional processes brings consistent benefits, such as brand visibility, positioning as a thought leader in the market, loyalty of potential customers and so on.

Cum creezi mult continut, pastrand calitatea? The biggest problem companies face is lack of time. As a result, even those companies that see the potential of Content Marketing feel unable to pursue a strategy in this direction, because, within a quality Content Marketing campaign, two criteria must be met: the content must be consistent and of quality.

When you don’t have the time, you have to give up one of the criteria: if you choose quantity, you lose quality, and if you choose quality, you lose quantity. What to do? Well, unless you have an army of content creators, there is another highly efficient solution to have both quality and quantity.

It all depends on the specifics of the communication channels and the types of content available, but if you want to know more about how you can generate a lot of content while maintaining quality, drop us a line and we’ll explain it to you below.


Resurse Content Marketing

Case Studies
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